Smart Automation in Banking

Save time and increase your operational resilience with our smart automation solutions. We understand that automation can be overwhelming, which is why we keep it simple and straightforward.

We align our automation flows with your organization's target operating model to enable your teams to perform better and achieve their goals more consistently in less time and with less risk.

Our approach to smart automation

The technical part of the automation is just one part of the process. To achieve lasting success, we help you with a holistic approach.

Process Design

Together with you, we co-create future-proof processes that optimize human-machine interactions, automations, and controls.

Flow Construction

We build flexible flows and tools that are result driven and can be adjusted as your organization progresses and grows.

Training & Implementation

Every tool and processes needs users, we ensure everyone is optimally trained.

Finding the right focus for your automation journey can be a daunting task. We understand the challenges you face and the opportunities that new technologies provide.
We specialize in building custom automation solutions for financial institutions, with a deep understanding of the unique needs of the industry. Our solutions are built on top of the Microsoft Power Platform, which is easily integrated into existing Microsoft environments and remains under full control of your organization.

An exemplary project week below:

We are committed to continuous improvement and re-evaluating our assumptions to build flexible models that can be adjusted as needed. Our team is big on prototyping and we would be delighted to collaborate with you to address your specific challenges.

Get inspired on what can be done through our showcases below.

Showcase 1: Approval Automation

In the financial industry, approvals are an essential component of many processes, yet they are often still completed using outdated methods such as paper or email. Facilitating these approvals through automated workflows not only saves time, but also enhances monitoring and reporting capabilities for both management and regulators.

For one of our clients, we have built a travel process for relationship managers within a week. From starting the approval along multiple stakeholders, automatically generating the corresponding documentation and ensuring correct archiving with finalization.

Showcase 2: Smart Inter-Team Coordination

Coordination is key for interdisciplinary teams. In order to be always on the same page, we have built an internal process tracking and management system together with one of our clients. Target automations minimize repetitive work and because it was build on top of multiple Microsoft Power Apps it was easy to implement train and best of all without additional licencing cost.

Showcase 3: Automated Document Management

Automated document archiving is neither new nor fancy. Nevertheless, it builds the basis for many regulatory demands and therefore always needs to be enhanced and adjusted to include all relevant processes.

For this reason we build all automations on top of Microsoft's Power Platform which makes it easy to manage within the organization and "hook up" new processes to the automated flows that digitally archive a document in conformity with regulations.

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